
New undergraduate members

The team welcomes María García, David Sánchez and Jose Antonio Reyes as new undergraduate members of the group. They study Chemistry at the University of Granada and will join us to develop their research projects (TFG, Trabajo Fin de Grado) in our lab.

They will work on the synthesis of new molecular materials for their application in photocatalysis, tandem electrocatalysis and adsorption of metals. We are excited to have them on board and can’t wait to see their progress!

Conference time!

The team travels to Murcia to attend the “XIX Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos”, a symposium promoted by the Young Chemical Reseachers group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. Exceptional organization and environment, thanks to our colleagues from Murcia!

Members and collaborators of the team have presented their work in different talks:

  • Pablo Garrido Barros: “Managing (excited) protons and electrons”, invited lecture
  • Pedro J. Jabalera Ortiz: “Photocatalytic Reduction of Organic Substrates by Zirconium Metal-Organic Polyhedra”, oral communication
  • Cristina Perona: “Photo-Detoxifying Materials Based on the Assembly of Metalorganic Polyhedra and Polyoxometalates”, flash communication

In addition, during the event, PGB has received the Young Investigator Award by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry.

Here a couple of pictures of the award ceremony and the conference dinner:

Our research gets funding

Our proposal “LightsUP (PI: PGB)” has been awarded in the national call “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022” (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación).

We will develop and study metal-organic cages as photocatalytic platforms for the reductive transformation of industrially relevant substrates. We will explore new reaction mechanisms promoted by these materials to enable efficient and selective proton and electron transfers to reduce inert, multiple bonds in both organic and inorganic molecules.

Stay tuned for updates!