Using the coordination chemistry toolkit, we design new catalytic systems to address the current challenges in energy and sustainability. We are especially interested in uncovering new reaction pathways with a key impact in the reactivity and selectivity profiles of redox transformations. We provide new tools to control the reaction mechanism and to access low energy pathways towards selective and efficient redox catalysis of direct relevance to solar-to-chemical conversion.

Novel molecular materials: we synthetize new coordination complexes, cages and polymers to explore the cooperative interplay between redox-active and acid/base sites and modulate the structural, electrochemical and photophysical properties for their ultimate application in redox catalysis. We are interested in molecular materials that can efficiency trade protons and electrons towards unlocking new proton-coupled electron transfer reactivity.

Electrocatalysis: Renewably sourced electricity is an ideal source of electrons for redox transformations. Electrochemical approaches play a central role in this regard, but can suffer from poor selectivity when targeting inert substrates due to the required harsh conditions. We design molecular and hybrid electrocatalytic systems to explore new fundamental methodologies based on tandem catalysis for selective organic and small molecule transformations.

Photocatalysis: using light to drive chemical reactions not only would allow harnessing solar energy but also offer pathways to unlock new reactivity and selectivity. Generating photocatalysts with long-lived excited states to promote efficient redox transformations poses a fascinating fundamental challenge, specially when abundant, first row transition metals are targeted. We develop new photochemical strategies to exploit excited-state reactivity towards proton-coupled electron transfer reactions.

Financial support

  • “LightsUP”. PI: Pablo Garrido Barros. Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2023-2026.
  • RYC2021-031249-I: “Catalysis for energy conversion into chemicals and fuels”. PI: Pablo Garrido Barros. “Ramón y Cajal”, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2023-2028.